Find calm, strength and direction by building a strong inner foundation with the flexibility to adapt to changes and new life experiences.
How would you describe the difficulties?
Where does it seem like they are coming from?
From inner feelings or from other people or outer events?
To come to calm, strength and new direction, you can:
If you are focused on the past,
you may be experiencing regret, guilt, depression, etc.
If you are focused on uncertainties about the future,
you may be experiencing anxiety, worry, etc.
View yourself and your life through the eyes of
Love and Compassion instead of judgments and criticism.
The tools I use are:
Acceptance Compassion
Forgiveness Responsibility
Gratitude Love
Joy Expansion
I accept, love and appreciate myself
for who I am
what I am
where I am
in my life right now.
What do you create in your life?
- upset, conflict, separation
or harmony, peace, joy?
Identify what is not working.
If we keep doing what we've always done, we'll get the same results.
We need to change our behavior - the negative and self-defeating thoughts, feelings and actions - and actively choose and do those that are positive, self-supportive and nurturing.
The more you do the supportive practices, the more you let go of the old patterns and start to build the new positive, self-nurturing ones.
How can you experience anyone's love
- your own, others' or God's -
if you criticize yourself or others,
worry about the past or future
or hold onto unforgiving positions?
When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us. Helen Keller, We Bereaved.
How do I view my life and my experiences?
What choices am I making in my life now?
Our choices and perspectives significantly affect the quality of our life. We are responsible for how we choose to perceive ourself, others and events, and for the thoughts, beliefs and feelings we hold onto.
Regardless of outer circumstances, we can keep our calm and peace. If we believe our inner state is dependent on outer events, we keep ourselves in a victim state.
Judgments, criticisms, resentments, worries, doubts, fears, unforgiveness - I have found that these types of negative feelings can cloud our thinking and decisions, and block us from experiencing our caring, our abilities and strengths and our greater potential.
To come back to calm and more joy, we look at what doesn't work, and move to the thoughts, feelings and actions that are affirming, supporting and loving. To make clearer choices, we can identify current priorities and goals, and develop the steps to move toward their fulfillment.
When we let go of negativity, we start opening to our beauty inside, and our positive loving nature and abilities. We can connect with our personal center, our own spirit - a source of great strength and peace.
Also, we can bring into alignment the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our life so that they support us and help us to advance in our vision for our life.
An important aspect of doing inner work is to build strong self-support and nurturing skills.
I recommend having a medical check-up, if applicable.
Some physical conditions, e.g. thyroid or blood sugar imbalance,
can cause symptoms such as anxiety or depression.
In the span of just one session, Jan helped me recognize self-defeating behaviors and emotions that I had been experiencing without even knowing it for more than twenty years. She helped me to re-orient to my body's most basic needs, and to nurture the body, rather than fight it.
The changes that I made after our session were genuinely transformative. They helped bring about a major improvement in my health and sense of well-being. I cannot thank her enough." P. Berman, Philadelphia
Negative habits can affect our lives.
When you look in a mirror, what DO you say to yourself?
If it is something like "You're too fat, too old, too ugly," you may feel 'down' and de-energized from criticizing and discouraging yourself.
Try it again. Look in the mirror, right into your eyes. Say a self-appreciation. For example, "I like your smile." "Thank you for putting pretty flowers on the table last night." "I appreciate you for persevering and raising three children." "You did a great job completing that long-term project." "I see a very generous person." "I love you."
How do you feel after saying that to yourself?
Focus on it for a minute.
We can create negatively against ourself, or
we can create positively for ourself.
For Radio Interview with Jan Collins, M.Ed., please click below:
The host interviews Jan Collins, M.Ed. and asks:
Jan Collins, M.Ed.
Hours by appointment
By zoom or in-person in Havertown, PA office
A free introductory 30-minute phone informational consultation for counseling
General Information About Services
I look forward to being of assistance in whatever way may be helpful to you.
$100 for 60 minutes
Gift certificates are available. A sliding fee scale is available upon request
Counseling can be a supportive supplement for those who have completed working with more in-depth issues such as depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, crisis, trauma, addictions, etc.
If a significant issue surfaces during counseling, referral for psychotherapy may be recommended.
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