When you start to walk on the way, the way appears.
Providing emotional and spiritual support for difficult times
Providing the support for you to uncover your calm, strength and direction
in times of change and transition
Tension is who you think you should be.
Relaxation is who you are.
Consider that each of us is always doing the best we can at any moment, given what we know, what we have and what we are able to do.
To make no mistakes is not in the power of man; but from their errors and mistakes the wise and good learn wisdom for the future.
Calm, Strength, Direction
During times of change, illness or loss, having a compassionate listener can provide comfort, increase clarity and help to find the calm, strength and direction to move forward.
How do I view my life and my experiences?
What choices am I making in my life now?
Welcome to a new way of looking at your life
You can create a positive life for yourself
Chaplaincy Services for
Organizations - On-site
Spirituality Groups
In-Service Meetings
Individual Consultations
Classes, Presentations
Non-denominational and Ecumenical
Emotional and Spiritual Support
for Life Experiences
Supporting Yourself Thru
Difficult Times
Building strong self-support and nurturing skills.
Creating balance and joy in your life - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
A source of great strength
We can express our spirituality through many ways: nature, hobby or occupation, service, a relationship with others, the universe, a loving consciousness or divine source, etc.
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I see love as part of our inherent nature.
Judgments, criticisms, worries, fears, unforgiveness - I have found that these types of negativity can block us from experiencing our center, our enthusiasm, our love, our spirit, our soul - however we recognize it.
*** Our Loving Nature ***
As an experiment, focus on someone or something that brings up loving feelings inside you. It may be a child, spouse, pet, beautiful scene in nature, music, art, favorite vacation spot, etc. If you have conflicting feelings for someone (e.g. currently feeling irritated with the person), please choose someone else. For about a minute, focus on those feelings of your love for someone or something.
Now - what does that feel like in your body? Focus for a few seconds. What are you experiencing in your body? Common responses are: sensations of warmth, relaxation, softness, peace.
In contrast, when you have felt angry or worried, what did that feel like in your body? Common responses are tension, tight muscles, headaches, stomach acid, stressed.
My conclusion is that my body is telling me to move out of the negative areas, and to spend my time as much as possible in positive, loving energy.
Our physical being seems to be reflecting a core message that being positive and loving may be our natural, healthy state, inherent in our make-up.
Medical research seems to confirm this as it shows that positive thoughts and feelings enhance health through endorphins, while prolonged negative ones can stimulate stress hormones.
I see the body as a reflection of our center, our spirit, our soul - being grounded in loving. The body also is a link for experiencing our spirituality - through breathing, chanting, etc.
Integrating the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of your life.
Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is for general informational and educational purposes only and should not be seen as medical, health, nutritional, psychological or any type of advice. Individual circumstances vary greatly and please consult with a professional directly about your individual situation before taking any kind of action.
Jan Collins, M.Ed.
Forgiving Ourself - Forgiving our judgments that can block us from awareness of our caring self. Please click below:
Finding the Spirit Within - Moving away from beliefs and toward experiencing a connection to find the Spirit within. Please click below:
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